[Updated May 2022] Leads4Pass PL-300 dumps | Provide free practice questions

leads4pass PL-300 dumps provide candidates with up-to-date and valid exam materials! And with PDF and VCE two learning formats, they both contain the latest exam questions and answers, you can choose arbitrarily!
Download PL-300 dumps with PDF and VCE: https://www.leads4pass.com/pl-300.html (245 Q&A), practice test all actual exam questions, and provide difficult problem annotations to help you really master all exams gist, Make sure you pass the exam with ease.

What’s more, leads4pass PL-300 dumps share some latest exam practice questions for free:

TypeNumber of exam questionsExam nameExam codeFree13Microsoft Power BI Data AnalystPL-300


You are configuring a Microsoft Power BI data model to enable users to ask natural language questions by using QandA. You have a table named Customer that has the following measure.

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